

If life is in a good form,

We don't need a platform to perform, 

A person is rich or poor, 

he has to wait on the platform to catch a train

If we don't walk on the platform, our life will deform 

However the quality of the product, we enjoy buying things sold on the platform 

Until we have money ,we are in rich form, else we will be on the platform

A beggar that lives on the platform is happier than one who lives in a home 

                                                        Photo credit self 

Platform doesn't discriminate people who walks on it and all are treated equally 

Strays' and homeless peoples' best friend is platform, it always gives them shelter. 

A platform is a space where voices freely call, ideas shared, connections made, 

We reach out with a helping hand. 

Supporting each other, lifting high,

encouraging the budding stars, who are performing along the platform side

Platform not only cared for the sellers and performers but also safeguarded everyone .



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